acts of kindness, Animal welfare, Animal welfare NGOs, NGOs in North India

11 Stray Dog NGOs in Delhi, India: Name, Address, and More

According to the Mars Petcare Report in 2021, there are nearly 80 million homeless stray dogs and cats in India. The above insight is enough to understand why animal welfare has become a paramount issue in Delhi and rest of the India. Many animal welfare NGOs in India are working tirelessly to provide food, shelter, care, and love to the…

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Animal welfare

8 Best Games to Play With Your Dogs

Are you looking for unique games to play with your dog? We all know dogs are fascinating creatures who love to hop and play around. There are a lot of fun games to play with your furry friends besides fetching the bone. On that note, Helplocal – an NGO discovery platform in India – brings some unique and fun games…

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Animal welfare

Best Foods for Street Dogs in India

There are more than 35 million stray dogs in India. Feeding street dogs is generous and should be followed by everyone. If we know what’s the best foods for street dogs, they can be fed well.  Through this blog,  Helplocal India- NGO Discovery platform in India – will shares some of the best foods you can feed to the stray…

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Animal welfare

Best Games to Play With Your Cat: 2023 Playlist

Cats love to play! If you own a cat you must have seen them messing with a yarn or tossing their toys all over. We have some cool games for cats you may try with your furry friend in 2023. Your cat will love these games. Helplocal – NGO discover platform – is dedicated to provide useful information to animal…

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street animals in india
Animal welfare, Animal welfare NGOs

Statistics of Street Animals & Top NGOs working to Save Animal’s Life

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), India faces about 18000 to 20000 Rabies cases every year. The number of stray animals in India is increasing every year. Helplocal decided to create this post to share the latest statistics of stray animals in India. In this post, we will help people of India learn about the statistics and data of…

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