Help orphans
acts of kindness, Child care and protection, help unprivileged

11 Ways to Help Orphans and Orphanages in India

According to 2021 data, there are about 30 million orphans in India, out of which 29.5 million children wander the streets. Out of these, only less than half a million are under institutional care. The above insight is enough to comprehend the paramount issue of helping orphans and vulnerable children. Those who wander the streets are vulnerable to various issues…

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help unprivileged

7 NGOs That are Helping Underprivileged Students in India

India severely needs reliable measures to help underprivileged students across the country. UNICEF has reported that only 42.5 percent of Indian children in grade three can read a grade one text.  Poverty stats in India dropped from 55.1% in 2005-06 to 16.4% in 2019-21 but 50% of children still can’t go to school.    That’s why Helplocal – a leading NGO discovery…

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Disaster management NGOs, help unprivileged

Top NGOs Working For Disaster Management in India

According to a report by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, over 80,000 people in India have lost their lives due to natural disasters in the last two decades. Cloud-to-ground lightning was one of the most devastating natural disasters in India. Thankfully, disaster management NGOs have saved the lives of millions of people in disaster-affected areas. Still, a…

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Tips to help unprivileged
help unprivileged

8 Ways to Help Unprivileged During COVID-19 Crisis

Sad to say, thousands of unprivileged people faced many  problems due to COVID crisis across the globe. Government and non-profit organizations collaborated to help the unprivileged people by providing daily needy products  during the COVID-19 times. Still, many unprivileged are not getting help due to lack of sources. That’s why we decided to create this post! In this post, Helplocal…

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