Random acts of kindness not only bring happiness to the lives they touch but also teach children as well as adults how to be the good samaritan. That said, random acts of kindness also require practice.
That’s why we created this blog to help kids and adults learn easy & best ways of kindness. Read on to discover 25 random acts of kindness for kids and adults.
Random acts of kindness
Being a good samaritan requires practice. This is especially true for children. Follow below tips and ideas to bring a change in the lives of people around you!
Hold door for someone
One of the easiest ways to show respect and kindness is by holding doors for others. This simple act doesn’t require any effort but goes a long way in spreading smiles and good cheer.
Feed the birds
In cities, birds often struggle to find food and water. Feeding birds in the park or terrace is a great way to practice kindness without spending much time and money. If you feed birds in the park, this kindness act will also help you in bringing more health in your life.

Support a child
Underprivileged children live in dire conditions and can use all the help that can be provided. Support a child with food, toys, clothing, or education. If that seems too much, simply visiting an orphanage near you is also a good act of kindness.
Want to adopt a child? Here’s a complete guide to adopting a child in India.
Plant trees
We get everything from the environment, and caring for it is a great selfless act of kindness for children as well as adults. Planting a tree in your kitchen garden and watering it will help you connect with nature and practice love and positivity.
Visit old age homes
Millions of seniors spend the dusk of their lives in senior care homes. Visiting old age homes is very humbling and will help you learn to practice kindness to people who need it. Another free and easy way to practice love!
Donate old clothes and books
Donating your old clothes and books to needy people is another simple act of spreading the good cheer. While your old clothes will help the poor and needy get through changing seasons, your old books can help educate underprivileged children.
Buy food for a beggar
Every living being needs food for survival. Sadly, millions of people in India don’t get 2 square meals a day. Buying food for a beggar is a simple act of kindness that will get you blessings as well as peace of mind.
Say hello and smile
Hello is a 4-letter word that can make a big impact. The same goes for a smile. The best thing is that this act of kindness takes only 3 seconds! Say hello and smile to spread good cheer amongst people around you.
While saying hello and smiling at strangers is common courtesy in countries like the USA and Canada, we recommend being a little cautious in India.

Adopt a stray
If you are planning to get a pet, avoid buying an exotic one from a pet shop. Visit a local animal shelter or NGO and adopt a pet in need of love and kindness. In case you can’t keep a pet for some reason, go ahead and adopt a stray who lives in your locality.
Give your seat to others
Another simple act of kindness that must be taught to kids. Make a habit of giving your seat to elders and differently abled people. Not only this practice will give you peace of mind but also restore someone’s faith in humanity!
Pick trash from street
A lot of people in India toss candy wrappers, poly bags, and small paper on the street. Picking such trash from the street while walking and tossing it in the bin is one of the easiest ways to practice love for the environment.
Donate old toys
Your kid’s old toys can put a big smile on an underprivileged kid’s face. Donate the old toys to children in orphanages and slums who couldn’t afford new toys. This will help teach your kids how to become a good samaritan.

Donate money to NGOs
Non-profit organizations work for the welfare of society without asking for anything in return. It’s our duty to help them support their efforts. Identify local NGOs near you and start by supporting them by becoming a volunteer.
Cook food for loved ones
Cooking food is a simple act but it can mean a lot for someone who is feeling overwhelmed or unloved. Cook food for your family, colleagues, or neighbors to spread positivity and love. A simple act of kindness that can win hearts!
Thank domestic workers
Domestic workers (also known as house help) play a major role in running modern households. While they work on low wages and put in many hours of work every day, they rarely get a ‘thanks’ from employers. Saying ‘thank you’ to domestic works is a simple act of kindness that all of us should teach children.

Spend time with children
Young parents running nuclear households are often overwhelmed and are always eager to find some breathing space. Engaging their children in playful games and activities can give the couple some personal time and help them relax for a while. A simple yet fun way to spread the godo cheer!
Motivate others
Some people work better when they are motivated by others. Help your friends and family create a positive environment in which everyone is encouraged to achieve their dreams and goals. Another simple act of kindness for kids as well as adults.
Thank your teachers
Thank your teachers by sending them thank you messages and gift cards. Teachers play a major role in making us a good human being. Don’t forget to thank your teachers.
Spend time with grandparents
An act of kindness for young children and teenagers. Seniors love when their grandchildren visit them to ask their well being and spend time with them. Make a habit of visiting them once every month to spend some quality time.
Buy chocolates for children
Chocolates are loved by almost every child on this planet. So, buying candy or chocolate for them can bring a glorious smile to their face and make them love you even more. While most buy candies for children in the family, buying them for orphans or beggars will bring more peace of mind.
Give your umbrella to others
On rainy days, a lot of people forget to carry an umbrella and are caught off guard. If you keep a car, carry a spare umbrella in it to help people around you. That said, make sure you are giving your umbrella to the right person if you want it back!
Give shelter to stray animals
A lot of stray animals struggle during extreme rains, winters, and summers. This is also true for pregnant canines. Giving shelter to strays is a simple act of kindness that can help you save lives as well as make furry friends!

Give bonus to employees
Few things can bring more happiness to an employee’s face than special bonus during festivals. While this is certainly an act of kindness, it will also generate a sense of thankfulness in employees and encourage them to work harder. So, never shy away from giving a small bonus!
Help elders cross road
We all have seen elders struggling while crossing the road. Helping them cross a road safely is a simple act of kindness that must be taught to kids. This will also motivate others to help seniors who are looking for help!
Donate on festivals
Festivals are known for bringing happiness to our lives but not everyone is as blessed as us to afford sweets, crackers, gifts, and celebrations. Donate to homeless people and NGOs to spread the positivity of festivals amongst the less privileged.
Kindness and Helplocal
The above are the best acts of kindness for adults and kids to make the world a better place for all of us. Choose an act of kindness that works best for you and start the lord’s work to help people around you.
Thousands of small local NGOs are working across India to support the environment, seniors, children, underprivileged, women, and differently abled. Helplocal’s act of kindness is to simplify their search so that they get more volunteers, donations, and support.
Sharing our content on your favorite social platform and talking about our efforts is another way of being kind. Go ahead and start your journey with this simple act!