NGOs for Girl Education

7 NGOs Working For Girl Education in India

129 million girls are out of school around the world and most of them are from India. Active NGOs for girl education in India are helping overcome this drastic situation to a certain extent. If you’re willing to empower a girl child, teaming up with an NGO for girl education is the best choice. Helplocal India- a unique NGO discovery…

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Disaster management NGOs

7 Ways to Help During a Natural Disaster: India Special

Natural disasters like cyclones, tsunamis and hurricanes etc. don’t come pre-planned! It’s very necessary, therefore, more NGO for disaster management come forward to aid the country in overcoming the loss. Have you been searching for an NGO for disaster management? In this blog Helolpcal India will discuss how to help during disaster management. 7 Ways to help during a disaster…

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Best trees for climate change
Environment & Global Warming

10 Best Trees for Climate Change and Global Warming in India

According to a report by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), global warming is having devastating consequences on the ocean resulting in climate change and natural calamities like floods. That’s why it has become a crucial situation for everyone to work on.  Luckily, planting trees can play a significant role in relieving the adverse effects of climate change…

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Animal welfare

Best Foods for Street Dogs in India

There are more than 35 million stray dogs in India. Feeding street dogs is generous and should be followed by everyone. If we know what’s the best foods for street dogs, they can be fed well.  Through this blog,  Helplocal India- NGO Discovery platform in India – will shares some of the best foods you can feed to the stray…

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Global warming

Causes of Global Warming and NGOs Working to Save Environment

Global warming is catastrophic! From fossil fuels to deforestation, there are countless causes of global warming. It’s high time that we take serious measures to heal nature. It’s when NGOs for environmental protection in India come into action. Understand the global warming causes from Helplocal India and discover the NGOs that are working to save the environment. Read on! 7…

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