Child labour still remains a major concern in India. Millions of children are forced into unpaid or paid work that deprives them of an education, a happy childhood, and a prosperous future. According to the 2011 census report, around 10.1 million children aged between 5-14 work as child labor in India.
However, the Indian government and many NGOs have come forward to put a full stop to child labour. If you are also looking forward to ways of preventing child labour, continue reading further.
In this blog, Helplocal will share tips to stop child labour in India. We have also prepared a list of NGOs and charities that could help you in accomplishing this goal.
Before discussing tips, let us understand the meaning of child labor, first.
What is child labour?
Child labour is a term that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to their physical and mental development. This includes activities such as helping their parents around the home, assisting in a family business, or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays.
Below are the major reasons for child labour in India:
- High poverty levels
- Lack of free education
- Abolition of worker rights
- Lack of knowledge among parents concerning child rights

Now that you have an idea of what exactly child labour is and are aware of its reasons, let us discuss the ways to stop it!
Child labor : Stats and Data 2021
- 152 million children around the world are still in child labor, out of which 73 million are in hazardous work.
- According to a survey by GOI (Government of India), 95% of the children in the age group of 6-13 years are attending education institutions, the corresponding figures for those in the age group of 14-17 years are 79.6 %.
- According to the census of India 2011, 10.1 million working children are in the age group of 5-14 years, out of whom 8.1 million are in rural areas mainly engaged in cultivation and agricultural labor.
- UNESCO estimates based on the 2011 census, around 38.2 million children are “out of school”, which is 18.3 percent of the total children in the age group of 6-13 years.
A decrease in child labor in India
A piece of good news is that the child labor in India has decreased in the decade 2001-2011 demonstrating the right combination of policy and programmatic intervention making the difference. The policies include as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) 2005, the Right to Education Act 2009, and the Mid-day meal scheme for the unprivileged in government schools.
5 Tips to stop child labor in India
The following are the tips to put a full stop to child labour in India:
#1 Educate yourself and others
The more you will educate yourself, the more you will learn why child labour is not good for the country’s growth and children’s future. Use resources such as articles, facts, and news and then share what you learn with friends, family, co-workers, and others, and work together to increase your “voting” power. Motivate them on why to stand against child labour.

#2 Spread awareness among parents
Parental awareness of the evils of child labour could prevent the disruption of schooling and pushing of children into a never-ending tunnel of labor. It will also ensure that communities tap growth, education, employment, and opportunities and create a socially and economically developed society in which children suffer much less.
#3 Be a part of an NGO
As we said, hundreds of child NGOs are working hard to stop child labour in India. They use community events, sports, arts, and theatre to educate communities about the importance of child rights. Donate to these NGOs or volunteer them to help more children stop doing labor work so that they could live their childhood in the right way.
Beginners guide on how to donate to NGOs and charities.
#4 Send children to school
The most important tip one should focus on! Find poor families that are struggling to send their kids to school because of low income. Help them out by paying their children’s school fees. Motivate them by sharing the benefits of going to school. Buy them books, shoes, and school uniforms. In this way, they would be able to go to school every day and learn new things.

#5 Ask before buy
While visiting confectionery, jewelry, or garment stores ask the owner if their brand is child labour free. They may lie to you by saying no but this put a question in their mind – could child labour affect my business sales? By doing so, you could make brands avoid relying on poor children.
List of top old age homes in Delhi NCR.
The aforementioned tips will help you in stopping child labour. By following these methods, you could prevent children from being enslaved; getting separated from their families, exposed to serious hazards and illness, and left to fend for themselves on the streets of large cities.
Top child-welfare NGOs of India to work with
Working with top NGO to stop child labour in India is the most satisfying job. However, finding them all by yourself could be a strenuous task. To make this look easy, we have prepared a list of the best child welfare NGOs of India. These NGOs work hard to create income resources, educational resources, and access to information services – all with an aim to prevent child labour, so that they could march ahead.
The following are the best child-welfare NGOs of India:
#1 Child Rights And You(CRY)
CRY was started by Rippan Kapur and 6 friends in 1979. This NGO allows people to donate and join as a volunteer in order to help poor children all across India. Child Rights And You is one of the most reputed child NGOs of India.
Address: CRY – Child Rights and You, 189/A Anand Estate, Sane Guruji Marg, Mumbai – 400 011
Contact: 022- 23063647/3651/1740
#2 CHILDLINE India Foundation
CHILDLINE India foundation was started by MS. Jeroo Billimoria as a field action project of the Department of Family and Child Welfare in 1996. Now, CHILDLINE 1098 is hope for millions of children all across India.
Address: B-1101, 11th Floor, Ratan Central, Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Parel East, Mumbai 400 012, Maharashtra
Contact: +91-22-68251098
#3 Save The Children India
Save The Children India was started in 2008 and registered as “Bal Rakhsa Bharat”. This NGO has collaborated with Indian and International governments to improve the health and education system for a child across the world.
Address: Save the Children, Bal Raksha Bharat Head Office, 1st & 2nd Floor, Plot No. 91, Sector – 44, Gurgaon (Haryana) – 122003, India
Contact: +91 9870127127 or +91 9870147147
#4 Bachpan Bachao Andolan
Bachpan Bachao Andolan was established in 1980. It has helped approximately 90,750 victims in India. It accepts donations from India as well as from foreign residents. Join Bachpan Bachao Andolan to be a part of the change.
Address: L-6, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019
#5 Pratham Education Foundation
Pratham Education Foundation was established in 1995 to provide education to children in the slums of Mumbai. This NGO was established with a main aim of improving the education quality all around India.
Address: Delhi Registered Office, B- 4/58, Safdarjung Enclave, 2nd Floor, New Delhi – 110 029

Volunteer in Helplocal
Above are top child-welfare NGOs of India. Fighting child labour in India requires a multi-pronged push, and there is a need to make this a nation’s issue. While the issues and government can only institute policies, ignoring child labour must also be attacked at an individual level. Join Helplocal as a volunteer for your significant contribution towards a better tomorrow.
Did we miss listing any child welfare NGO? Comment down the NGO name with important details and we will add them to our blog.
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