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Founded in
Working for
Active In
Team Everest is one of the biggest youth-run NGOs in India. The organization provides quality education to financially challenged children and to students who want to continue their studies but don’t have enough finances through volunteering. This nonprofit started many programs like scholarship programs, first penguin club, speak out, smile100, and back to school to provide better learning and education to children from unprivileged backgrounds.
The NGO also provides scholarships to parentless students, single-parented students, and low-income family students. To date, they have sponsored the education of more than 850 students for their graduation. The organization has also gifted bicycles to more than 750 students to help them reach school on time.
Physical address: Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600043.
Contact details:
Official website:
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Support this Chennai based nonprofit in widening its impact to more cities and locations across India. Donate and Volunteer with this NGO to make a positive change in the lives of unprivileged children.