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Founded in
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Being Green, Delhi's NGO for environment protection was founded in the year 2014 by a group of passionate environmentalists. With an aim to plant 1 billon trees by the year 2030, thousands of volunteers at the NGO are making it happen. Every day several hundred saplings are planted and taken care across Delhi and nearby regions. Spreading awareness about the sustainable drive is done by visiting the schools and other organisations.
In addition to the environment saving activities the NGO also focuses on social welfare. The NGO firmly believes that if we all plant and care for trees everyday, it will be easier for the mother nature to repair itself from the devastating effect of global warming. Sustainable living is only possible way to maintain earth's ecology and Being Green, the NGO in Delhi is working on this concept for the last 7 years.
Physical address: A-69A Adhyapak Nagar, (Near Hanuman Mandir), Nangloi, Delhi, India 110041
Contact details:
Phone: +91 92124-51825
Official website:
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Connect with Delhi's rising NGO for environment and global warming, Being Green. Make the billion tree count come through by volunteering for the social cause. Let's make India a sustainable country in the coming years.
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