Creating a donation page can be difficult if you fall short of the right ideas. Donate us page on website should encourage visitors to willfully donate for NGO.
On account of this Helplocal – an NGO discovery platform in India – shares everything you need to know for creating a donation page for NGO website. Read on and discover the essential points you need to consider.
Creating a donation page: Points to consider
Here are 10 superb points to follow when creating a donation page for your NGO website.
Harmonise with your website
When creating a donation page, keep it in harmony with the rest of the website. Consistency in layout and branding helps your donate us page look familiar with the rest of your website.
A consistent looking page with proper branding helps your website to generate trust with its audience.
A simple interface
Donation pages should be encouraging and simple to understand at the same time. When designing a donation page for your NGO keep the interface user friendly.
Also the donate us page should be easy to navigate and to the point. It should accurately communicate the message to the audience.
Make it convincing
When creating your website’s donation page focus on creating user-value generating. Relevant content with a powerful message will help your website engage with the audience.
A convincing write-up will help drive more donations. Make sure to place the content at the right place!

Optimise donation page
The best practice to retain your audience is through a faster page-load time. If your donate us page loads slow there is a chance for the user to move from your website to another.
Optimize your website and donation page to increase the user retention rate. It’s an important factor in creating a donation page for NGO website.
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Use a trusted payment source
NGO websites are also prone to cyber attacks. Hackers and scammers look for breathable digital payment gateways. Secure your NGO donation page before you enable payment options.
By ensuring a secured payment gateway you’ll encourage more donors to do charity towards the cause.
Matching gifts & perks
Showcase the benefits of charity when designing your website’s donation page. Tax benefits, philanthropist quotes and information that is helpful to the donor should be there on your donor page.
Sometimes people need a push to be part of a cause. Make people feel worthy when they donate and you may generate more funds!
Disclose the donation use
A variety of donors will be visiting your NGO donation page. Give them resourceful information about where their funds will be used. Donors want their money to be utilised the right way.
By giving your donors an overview of how their money is being utilised by your NGO, they’ll feel free to donate to charity.

Collect the donor information
When designing the donation pages for your website you should collect relevant donor’s data. Create a form that collects the name, phone, email and address after their consent.
Send mails to inform them about your NGO progress. It’ll also help in acquiring charity in the future.
Add social shareable links
Social media is a lucrative platform to introduce your NGO to the world digitally. Place social links on your website’s donation page. It will help the audience to share your NGO with the world.
When more people come across your website donation page, it’ll increase the chances of donations.
Encourage recurring donations
Only 14% or NGOs ask their donors for recurring donations. Offer your visitors to auto-donate or donate regularly. There’s a possibility that some donors agree to recurring donations.
Allow the donors to manage their recurring donations. Acknowledge their donation with a personalised thanks note email.
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Make it easy to find
When a potential donor visits your NGO website they are looking for the ‘Donate Us’ page. Create a button or CTA that’s easily visible on every web page.
Make is in harmony with your NGO brand so that users can easily identify that it’s from a genuine source.
Follow the above key points when designing a donation page for your NGO website.

Conclusion: Creating a donation page
Helplocal India will keep on sharing vital information about running an NGO, donations and other essential key-points in our next readings. Team up with India’s unique NGO Discovery Platform and register your NGO for free. Send us an email on
Helplocal India is the social venture of Upreports Infotech, an online marketing agency in India supporting local and global businesses with SEO, content, branding, ORM, and growth consulting.
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