Reducing your carbon footprint means changing the way you live and work. While India is already faring well in the field of carbon footprint (we are emitting only one third of the global average), we are still far away from the goal of zero net emissions.
That’s why it’s important to answer how people and Indian businesses can further reduce their carbon footprint effectively to save lives as well as the environment. In this blog, Helplocal – the best place to discover local NGOs in India – will share 15 tips and ideas to help you reduce your carbon footprint and hit the goal of zero emissions.
Let’s get started!
Drive as less as possible
Driving a car is the largest single source of greenhouse gases and causes a lot of air pollution that leads to health issues. Here are some actionable tips to reduce your carbon footprint by cutting back on driving:
- Organize shopping trips to get more done on each outing
- Walk or cycle when the distance is too short
- Use public transportation as much as possible.
Check the usage of single-use plastics
We all know that single-use plastic is very harmful to the environment. They are more likely to end up in our oceans and it takes a lot of fossil fuels to produce them. Here are a couple of ways to reduce your carbon footprint by cutting back on plastic:
- Use reusable paper or jute bags while shopping
- Don’t ask for a carry bag if you are buying only a couple of things
- If you must use a plastic carry bag, make sure you reuse it! Don’t throw it in the bin.
Businesses can work with this carbon footprint reduction tactic too!

Change what you eat
A lot of us have shifted to buying foods that are packaged in plastics and sourced from other countries. This greatly adds up the carbon footprint at the individual level. Here are tips to reduce your carbon footprint by changing what and how you eat:
- Avoid buying foods that are processed and packaged in plastic bags.
- Shop from farmer markets and small vendors rather than big stores.
- Grow your own food if you have the space.
- Avoid livestock products and meat since it adds to greenhouse gases.
Check your power use
Many people waste energy by leaving the lights and air conditioning on even when they are not in need. Another common energy-wasting habit is leaving appliances plugged in when not in use. Here are some actionable tips to reduce your carbon footprint by checking your power consumption habits:
- When we unplug appliances after use, a lot of energy gets saved.
- When the weather changes, cut back on the use of air conditioners.
- Switch to power saving appliances when it’s time to upgrade.
Think before you buy
If your goal is to reduce carbon footprint, it’s a good idea to invest in quality products that last longer rather than buying cheap. Reason being, you will end up replacing this item often as cheap products break and wear out soon. Here are easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint using this tactic:
- Go for certified products to ensure you pick the right products.
- Look for the product’s power saving rating before buying.
- If it can be repaired, don’t go for the new one. Repair and cycle always!
Businesses can work with this carbon footprint reduction tactic too!
Get your vehicles checked
Every vehicle needs timely checkups. In the absence of them, the vehicles start emitting smoke, consume more fuel, and the same pollutes the environment. That’s why it’s important to check your car brakes, engine, and tires from time to time. Here are some actionable tips to reduce your vehicle linked carbon footprint:
- Properly inflated tires require less energy to achieve and maintain speed while driving.
- When servicing your vehicle, opt for eco-friendly products like biodegradable engine oils, and non-toxic cleaners products.
- Get a routine car or bike checkup done. Don’t wait for the problem to happen!
Discover the role of vehicles in creating greenhouse emissions.
Recycle effectively
Handling waste can be carbon intensive. Recycling reduces the waste going to landfills and gives plastic made from fossil fuel a second life. Here are some easy tips to reduce your carbon footprint while pushing for recycling:
- Before disposing of items, think about whether they can be reused or repurposed.
- Choose repairs over buying a new product when technical issues start coming.
- Opt for products with minimal packaging or packaging made from recyclable materials.
Reduce carbon footprint when traveling
Travel causes a significant amount of carbon emissions globally. However, by making a few small adjustments, you can make sure your trips have as low an impact as possible. Here are easy tips to reduce your carbon footprint by cutting on traveling:
- Choose eco-friendly transportation like public buses
- Businesses and corporations can encourage employees to carpool.
- Carry a reusable water bottle when heading out. The US alone has 2 million tons of discarded water bottles in its landfills.
Use public transport
Cars and taxis emit a lot of carbon dioxide per km of travel. That’s why it doesn’t make sense if a vehicle made for 5 people is driven around frequently by just one. Here are a couple of ways to reduce carbon footprint by adopting public transport:
- Use buses and trains for long everyday commutes.
- If you prefer traveling by personal vehicle, join carpooling apps like Bla Bla Car to pick up people going in the same direction.
- If your region doesn’t have good public transportation, start advocating for the same.
Support environment NGOs
Many local NGOs in India are working to check environmental damage and carbon emissions. Supporting these nonprofits is a great way to make a bigger impact. Here are ideas you can work with:
- Donate to environmental NGOs in India to reduce carbon footprint at a bigger level.
- Volunteer with environment NGOs to work for local communities.
- Talk about your favorite NGOs on social media to create awareness about them
Conserve water
Water is the source of life. Sadly, it is fast disappearing from India due to river pollution, groundwater depletion, and climate change. Here are a few easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint while conserving water at the same time:
- Start by fixing leaks in your house or business premises.
- Switch to water-saving taps and shower heads.
- Turn off the water taps when brushing your teeth or shaving.

Raise awareness
The rural populace and marginalized communities may not know much about greenhouse gasses, carbon footprint, and climate change. But you can change that by raising awareness of these issues. Start with these tips and ideas which will also help in reducing carbon emissions:
- Organizing school events and fundraising can help educate students and families about environmental conservation.
- Create content on social media around carbon footprint reduction and environmental protection.
- Talk with your friends and family to make them aware of how important your carbon footprint is.
Think green
Small green decisions we make daily can make a big impact in the long term. That’s why it’s important to find new ways of doing everyday things that minimize the impact on the environment. Start with these ways and ideas which will also help in reducing carbon emissions:
- Walk or cycle to the office if it’s nearby.
- Eat local and seasonal foods as much as possible.
- Avoid excessive use of plastic-made products.
- Make your home energy-efficient by installing insulation and upgrading to energy-efficient lighting.
Shop wisely
Shopping trends have changed a lot in the past decade. With fast fashion increasing the amount of clothing that ends up in the dumps, it’s time for us to rethink our shopping habits. Here are easy ways to reduce your carbon emissions while shopping wisely:
- Bring along a reusable bag when buying groceries.
- Buy clothes intending to wear for years, rather than a few weeks.
- Go for products that come in reusable packaging.
Learn how fast fashion in damaging the environment:
Sell or donate
As a planet, we need to produce fewer things and save on non-renewable resources. Selling and donating is a great way to cut back on emissions made by factories. Here are some easy tips to reduce your carbon footprint by focusing on these two:
- Rather than dumping your old appliances, sell them to thrift stores or peers so that they get reused.
- Donate toys, appliances, clothes and similar items to the needy.
- Use peer buying and selling websites to dispose of items you don’t require.
Reduce Carbon Footprint and Save the Planet!
Being aware of your carbon footprint is a great first step to save the environment you live in. A collective effort is required to ensure the reduction of carbon footprint in India. Even if one person decides to do something about protecting the environment, it can have a great impact and save thousands of lives in the long run.
We recommend talking about reducing carbon footprint and climate change on social media and also in your offline circles to create awareness about this topic. Need more resources on environment protection and climate change? Here they are!
NGOs for environmental protection